S\\B Recipe: Bacon and Yam Wrappers

Here is another easy platter-ready recipe you can make easily shared by @cookinchezcoco (check her out on Instagram!). Ghanaians know how delightful our local fried yam with pork is but this has a twist. Once again, you don't need a lot of ingredients to make this brilliant treat!

Diced Yam or Sweet Potatoes \ Bacon \ Sugar \ Oil \ Mayonnaise \ Fresh Red Chilli Sauce

Soak yam in a sugar and water mixture for at least one hour to soften \ Wrap a bacon strip around each cube of yam and insert a cocktail stick through both to secure \ Fry in hot oil till golden brown \ Make sauce with a mix of mayo, red chilli sauce and a bit of sugar \ Drizzle sauce on each stick of yam and bacon \ Serve on an S\\B Platter \ Impress everyone

S\\B Recipe: Bacon and Yam Wrappers